region 3 (central luzon)
aurora | bataan | bulacan | nueva ecija |
pampanga | zambales
FPACC Trade Mission 2022 to the Philippines is conducted to explore potential international opportunities - i.e. identify markets and meet buyers and partners. This is our humble contribution to our country's economic development and recovery efforts, post-pandemic, and our answer to our President's call for unity and for us to work together towards our country's progress.
During the trade mission, companies, entrepreneurs, business executives and investors are accorded the chance to learn, create and grow their businesses, gain valuable information about the Philippine market and interact with important industry and government leaders.
The trade mission will provide an opportunity for Philippine business owners and MSMEs to look into possible ventures and operations in the United States. The trade mission can help create networks of buyers, agents, suppliers and key government contacts in the Philippines or a specific region or province in the country. (NEDA)
Meet with other U.S. businessmen and companies with similar interests.
Conduct B2B Networking opportunities with local businesses and meetings with potential partners.
Receive market briefings.
Meet with potential exporters, importers, suppliers, manufacturers and distributors.
Participate in the 48th Philippine Business Conference and Expo
Gain access to media coverage and networking events.